Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Don't Make Me Think! Krug's first law of usability.
This definitely was the most important concept that I took from this book. Understanding the fact to make a website self evident, obvious and self explanatory is something I will always remember when creating and critiquing a website.

Things That Make Us Think
When it comes to buttons, I learned to make it obvious to everybody, that includes the label (so that there is no doubt what that button will lead the user to) and the overall look of the button (so that the user knows it is a clickable button)

Create A Clear Visual Hierarchy
The more important something is, the more prominent it is. It is very simple but it is a very important concept.

Street Signs and Breadcrumbs: Designing Navigation
It is very important to make it easy for the user to navigate through the website from the homepage, so that the user isn't getting lost in the website to get important information.

Omit Needless Words
"Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts." This is a very important thing to remember, because when it comes time, we want to inform people as much as possible but we do not want to overwhelm them.

Several True Things About Testing
Understanding the fact that if I want a great site, I need to test it. Because it is true that after working on it for such a time, it becomes routine and I am not able to see if it works or not, not just the functioning but also the look and personality of the site.

Make It Easy To Go Home
Simple concept that some websites forget. It is necessary to have the home button easily accessible.

Nothing Beats A Good Tagline
Even before I read this book, I felt that a tagline was very important. After reading I realized how much goes into it besides just the phrase that characterizes the business.

The Trouble With Pulldowns
I felt that pulldowns were more creative and organized, and you see them a lot, but this book taught me the problems that are dealt with them. Like the need to seek them out, hard to scan, and that they are twitchy.

Words They're Looking For Aren't There
Another very important rule, is to make everything obvious and straightforward, which goes back to the whole "don't make the user think" concept.

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