Friday, October 7, 2011

Brief: Classic Care

For Tracy Van Oss’, we want to construct a website that is simple, clean, and efficient.  The focus of the site is to promote Professor Van Oss’ success in the field of occupational therapy as well as her personal business.  To do so, we want to advertise her brand through sophisticated colors, tasteful typefaces, and gripping personal photos.  Our target audience are possible clients looking to invest in Classic Care, LLC, as well as those interested in the occupational therapy field. Based on the vast rangy of the audience, the website needs to be functional and effortless.  From doctors to elderly clients, the pages need to be appealing and effortless so that the usability is for any individual no matter what technological experience he or she might have.
Visually, our website will be welcoming to the eye through calm, cool colors. We want the website to give off salutation and hospitality so that it directly reflects “Classic Care” and it’s message. Because Classic Care’s colors are white and navy, we decided to work off this theme by adding some similar hues to accent the images. By researching other medical websites, we found that the information provided is the key ingredient to the site. Therefore, the colors are not the prime focus; rather, they will support the content. To accent the navy and white, we were looking to add a soft blue, pale yellow, light brown, and a warm brown with a hint of magenta. 
Typography is also a key ingredient in creating the feel of the website.  To parallel the Classic Care, LLC brand, we want to continue with a serif typeface. For the heading, we decided to choose Didot because of its elegance and classic look.  The balance of weight throughout the letters is intriguing and delicate. The subtext, however, will be Georgia. We chose this because it is a web based typeface and will be easy to read. We want to continue using Didot for the navigation bar which houses six links: “Home,” “About Us,” “In the Community,” “Aging in Place,” “Home Modification,” and lastly, “Child Safety.”  These links will be parent/child pages with further information and external links within. Also, to showcase Professor Van Oss’ accomplishments, we would like to use the top left portion of the home page to illustrate her credentials. Also, the home page will provide a simple summary of Classic Care, LLC as well as the mission and vision statement. The audience is visiting the site for a particular reason; therefore, we want the home page to be resourceful and contain significant information, so people can get a taste of who they are working with. Also, we will provide a slideshow with personal images as well as Professor Van Oss’ photograph.
Our schedule for implementation is to complete the high fidelity wireframes for class on Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Also, we will complete mock-ups, a sitemap, and a logo for Wednesday, October 12, 2011. 
Lastly, our research of medical websites includes:

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